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Beautiful Monsters - Jex Lane

There are a lot of authors out there. Some are good, some are adequate and some are noteworthy. Today, I would like to write about one of the latter.

I don't know Jex Lane, but I do know and love paranormal stories. Jex has taken that genre to another level---one I never thought about, personally. I thank Amazon for making it easy for me to find this series and Jex for writing it.

Jex Lane has managed to capture my heart as a reader through many genres of monster. Vampires, Incubi/Succubi, Demons, and Angels all come together in such a suspenseful and painful way as to keep me captivated.

Her aptly named series; Beautiful Monsters, brings me, as a reader, into a world that my imagination has brought to life. Matthew, Tarrick, Devak, Samantha, and all the other characters meld together in such a way as to force me to live another life, in another place.

A place where vampires are real and lovable. Where monsters are to be pitied, even as they are hated for the things they have done to the main character---the very same Matthew.

I found myself crying out in anguish, feeling unsettled, and hating as well as loving the same characters.

How Jex Lane has made the life of a vampire one I would pity is amazing. I cannot wait to read the rest of what Jex has to tell us in the continuing story of Matthew and the rest of these "Beautiful Monsters".

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