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Hush Little Baby - Sean Kerr

Who doesn't like a good horror story? I can say I do. I was looking around for a great story that would scare me even a little bit.


Looking at the book cover for Hush Little Baby by Sean Kerr, I found a story that caught my attention and kept me riveted until the end.


The story unfolds in such a clever way that you don't see the horror until it is too late and you can't break free until you know where it is going.


Mr. Kerr has done a great job with this story; keeping the reader looking for what is happening the next page, and the page after that.


And, until the last page, he keeps you in suspense; and surprised even as you turn the last page.


This is a book worth reading. Excellently written, and excellently delivered.


The cover surely does convey the horrors that await you as you read the book.

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